Vintage Computer Festival West is making a triumphant return this summer! The show will be August 6-7 at the Computer History Museum, in Mountain View, California. Click here for details.
VCF East XI exhibit registration
We opened registration for VCF East XI exhibits a few days ago, and there are already eight people signed up! Have a look at what’s registered so far and considering doing your own…
Make popcorn, we’ve got videos!
We are working hard to post videos from past editions of the Vintage Computer Festival East/West shows.
VCF East talks are going online first. So far we posted video from VCF East 6.0 (2009) and VCF East 9.1 (2014) — the years don’t always add up because we skipped a year here and there.
We’re adding video from other years during the next few days/weeks. Keep checking the link to our YouTube channel!
Our logo in great big detail!
Several people asked to see a bigger version of our logo. Here it is! Click it for a very big version. May the Force be …. errr, wrong cultural reference. 😉
Making (web) life easier
We bought and Both of these forward to the real site here at We also made the submenus indented when you press the “menu” button on mobile browsers. These changes should make things a lot easier for everyone!
Credit where it’s due
Web sites don’t build themselves. Several people deserve credit for making Virtual applause is due for logo artist Dan Roganti, designer Darren Kerr (and manager Steven Toth) of Kernel Labs, and programmer Bill Degnan. All donated their time.
– Evan Koblentz, president, VC Federation
Hello world!
This is our first post. Stay tuned for exciting updates in December 2015 and early 2016! In the meantime, please explore our content using the menu atop this site.