VCF East 4.0

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Where: InfoAge Science Center, Wall, New Jersey


  • Bil Herd/Bob Russell/Chuck Peddle/Dave Haynie — 30th Birthday of Commodore Computers
  • Sellam Ismail — VCF Shenanigans
  • Bill Degnan — Diagnosing Vintage Computers 101
  • Herb Johnson — CP/M After 30 Years
  • Jeri Ellsworth — Commodore One


  • David Gesswein — DEC PDP-8/I Computer and peripherals
  • Liam Busey — Apple ][: Gutless Wonder30th Anniversary
  • Bill Degnan — TRS 80 Model 1
  • Hans Franke — Grandfather of all Computers 6502
  • Bill Sudbrink — Vintage Sounds
  • Jack Rubin — Kim-1 and Friends
  • Mike Loewen — IBM 129 Card Data Recorder
  • Andy Meyer — Sony SMC-70
  • Nicholas Lordi — TR-20 Analog Computer
  • Curt Vendel — Atari Museum
  • Frank OBrien — The Apollo Guidance Computer
  • Vince Briel — Micro-KIM the KIM-1 Clone
  • Bryan Pope — PETs of Commodore
  • Mike Ross — The Corestore
  • Michael Pearson — Early Computers
  • Andy Molloy — Kaypro, Where Art Thou?