VCF Swap Meet Free Pile

VCF has collected several items over the last few years of events
that have not sold over multiple events which will be offered for free
in a “free pile” at this weekend’s Swap Meet and this is the last
opportunity to rescue these items as anything left will be recycled.

Sellers who have paid for a spot will have first opportunity access to
this “free pile” before the start of the event and in all cases items
are available on a strict first come first serve basis.

Additionally, both sellers and buyers are welcome to put items in this
“free pile” with the understanding of certain rules.

1. Please ask a VCF staff member for permission at the event to put
any items in the free pile.
2. Please understand the policy for the free pile is that anything you
leave which remains at the end of the event must be taken home by you
(or someone you designate). VCF cannot be held responsible for storing
or recycling it.

Thanks and happy free hunting!

Updated July 28, 2022.

Swap Meet Sat Feb. 26, 2022 @ InfoAge is a go!

Sign up now to reserve a space at VCF Swap Meet Sat. Feb. 26, 2022 @ InfoAge

The VCF swap meet scheduled for Sat. Feb. 26 is getting into high gear as vendors are signing up and buyers are inquiring. 



There is still some spaces available, but pre-registration guarantees a space.

This is an indoor swap meet. It’s February after all and likely to be cold that day.

Location is inside InfoAge Science and History Museums campus

Food and drink on site.

Additional information about the swap meet is here

Look at the attached PDF for someone selling some nice Tektronix items.

VCF Swap Meet (indoor) February 2022

Vintage Computer Federation will be doing another swap meet on February 26, 2022. This will be an indoor swap meet taking place in 3 rooms in two different buildings on InfoAge Science and History Museum’s campus in Wall, NJ. This time we are looking to sell food and drink items in our cafeteria in 9010-C. We are expecting a large turnout of 100 vendors and hundreds of people throughout the day.

Look here for more information about the swap meet: