VCF West 2023 is a GO!

It has been a long time coming, but we’ve finally made arrangements to have a 2023 VCF West.

I’ll share some of the boring details later, but, for now, I want to encourage everyone interested in this year’s show to get ready for a great event, but one with a very short runway.  So get those exhibits prepared and registered, get those talks planned and free up your time for FRIDAY AUGUST 4th and SATURDAY August 5th.

Yes, you read that right.  One of the big hang-ups with getting 2023 off of the ground was that our traditional, and preferred, venue, the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, is not available for Sunday on our normal show weekend.

So this year’s event will be Friday and Saturday with setup on Thursday.

While this scheduling issue was the main holdup to getting the show off of the ground – It took a while to come to terms with the CHM for the rental, dates, etc. and that’s on me – the good news is that the CHM are very excited to have us back and they will help us promote the show, hopefully increasing our attendance even with the awkward days.

That said I do apologize profusely for the delays and inconvenience this will cause.  I also apologize for “ignoring” most of the emails from folks asking about our progress.  I really wasn’t sure until just today that the show would even go on and I didn’t want to spur a rumor mill in advance of an announcement.

Thankfully the announcement is a positive one!

Exhibitor registration is now open.  Because of the short timelines I’m encouraging everyone to sign up ASAP.

The same goes for speakers.  If you’d like to speak at the show please let me know soon.

Thank you all for the encouragement and support.  This show can’t happen without you all.  Once again I apologize for compressing all of the planning.  This won’t happen again.


  1. I ordered a ticket to attend for the weeken about two weeks ago. I haven’t received it yet. I’d like to know when will it be sent to me?

  2. On the page announcing VCF West 2023, the “Tickets are now available” link goes to a page saying the 2022 VCF event has ended. There’s no ticket information about VCF West 2023.

    1. Sorry about that. We are switching from Eventbrite to support discounts for our members and I got ahead of myself on the ticket availability.

      It should be set up properly now. I hope.

  3. You guys need a VCF Southwest. I mean you have a southeast, why not a southwest? It could be held in Phoenix, Tucson, or Albuquerque.

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