VCF will be having another Swap Meet this coming June 10 from 8AM to 2PM for the general public and 7AM for vendors.
Signup here to reserve a spot.
Same place as the previous swap meets in the big parking lot on Monmouth Boulevard in Wall, NJ.
A change for this year is that we will have some food being sold by the South Monmouth Fire Museum. This will be a fundraiser for them and a welcome service for our attendees.
All the information that you need is here:
Haven’t been to TCF since the 80’s.
Looked forward to and went to show at college(forget which one) on 3/18/2023
Disappointed only a handful of vendors
Considering going to VCF but the drive is 1 1/2 +
So as not to make the same mistake again
Could you let me know how many swop vendors have registered.
Sorry for the late reply. You were in the moderated post for our blog. For faster response, next time please e-mail We had 55 vendors and 150 buyers this time. Word is spreading so it can only grow from here. The next Swap Meet is October 28. Same time and place. Also consider the consignment at VCF East which has a large number of items for sale.