Good news!
VCF East 2022 will be streamed live again this year! This will be still be a free stream. We will stream all three days: April 22, 23, 24. Our schedule is found here:
Our YouTube channel is:
VCF East 2022 – Day 1 (Friday) =
VCF East 2022 – Day 2 (Saturday) =
VCF East 2022 – Day 3 (Sunday) =
We will only be streaming the talks in Room 1 and not the rest of the show (i.e. Exhibits, Kit Workshops, Consignment, Apple 2 Classroom). After the show is over we will process the individual talks and post them in our channel a few weeks after the show.
Despite the increased costs of the show this year, we wanted to continue to fulfil the mission of the Vintage Computer Federation: To preserve computing history through education, outreach, conservation, and restoration. We strive to accomplish this through family friendly hands-on activities at our museum, at regional and global events, and by fostering and nurturing the expansion of our on-line and in-person communities.
In order keep these live streams free, we need donations, please consider making a donation to our organization. In addition to supporting our festivals, any donations will support our ongoing museum projects.
We are currently raising funds for:
- Construct climate control for storage warehouse.
- Renovation of a our new larger museum space.
- Operational costs of curation of our museum.
- Operational costs of maintaining our warehouse.
- Cost of running local events.
There are many ways that you can donate:
PayPal :
Check : P.O. Box 417, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Cash: In-person at any of our events.
Thanks you for your support!