Valerie See of Tandy Corporation – Last minute addition

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that there is one last minute addition to the speaker schedule: Valerie See. She will give her talk on Sunday at 9AM (virtually). It didn’t make the program book, but it is scheduled on the website.

The title of her talk: “Tales from the Silicon Prairie: Working at Tandy / Radio Shack 1984-1994”

Description of her talk: Valerie See worked at Tandy / Radio Shack on their computer line from 1984 – 1994, starting as a field service representative in upstate New York, and ending up as the manager of Computer Support (Tech Support) at Tandy headquarters in Fort Worth. In this talk, she’ll share memories of her time at Tandy / Radio Shack, running the gamut from sharing details of the publications, software, and hardware that Tech Support produced, to stories from the trenches working on Tandy line computers in the field and at Tech Support. In this 10 year period, Tandy computers moved from the Z80A-based Model I and Model II to 80386 based systems like the Model 4000, and even the first licensed non-IBM microchannel system, the Model 5000.

A biography of Valerie See

Valerie See has spent nearly 40 years working in high tech, starting at Tandy / Radio Shack in the 1980s and continuing to the present day, where she’s worked at Microsoft for over 25 years. Her first job at Radio Shack was a short stint in a retail outlet, but she quickly moved to working as a shipping clerk, then field service engineer, in a Radio Shack computer repair center in Albany NY. While attending a training course at Tandy HQ in Fort Worth, she was hired as a Technical Support Representative and moved to Fort Worth, Texas, in 1984, and spent the next 10 years working in Computer Support (Tech Support). She became the Diagnostics Coordinator in 1989, and the Manager of Computer Support overall in 1993, where she remained until she left Tandy in 1994. While at Tandy, Valerie was responsible for support of field personnel across the entire computer product line, but specialized in the business focused systems, including the multi-user Xenix and Unix systems. After Tandy, Valerie worked at Adaptec as a Field Application Engineer and Senior System Engineer on high end storage and networking products until 1996. She joined Microsoft in 1996, where she still works as a Director of Open Source Engineering; during her time at Microsoft, she worked on many releases of Windows (from Windows NT 4.0 Server, Enterprise Edition through the Windows 7 family releases), and also on Windows Phone 7.0 – 8.1. Valerie has a B.S. in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and is a registered patent agent.


#FujiNet Commodore 64 premiere!

#FujiNet for the Commodore 64 premieres at VCF East 2022!

Jeff Piepmeier will be exhibiting several versions of #FujiNet. His exhibit features hardware and software in active development targeting Apple II (using SmartPort/Protocol Converter) and a first time reveal of work on the Commodore 64 (using IEC).

FujiNet began as a network adapter for Atari 8-bit personal computers and has grown into a multiuse all-purpose peripheral targeting multiple vintage computers. The current hardware is based on the ESP32-WROVER module with a microSD card for holding disk images, configuration files, and pdf printer output. Firmware provides wireless access to disk images stored in the cloud using the TNFS protocol. Other “protocol adapters” provide a streamlined interface to telnet, http, ftp, etc. Units for Atari 8-bit (using SIO) and Coleco Adam (using AdamNet) computers have been released with open source hardware and software.

The VCF Museum already has working versions of the #FujiNet for the Coleco Adam and the Atari 1200XL. Come check them out!


Consignment VCF East 2022

VCF East has a new and improved process for organizing the consignment process. We have a electronic Point-Of-Sale terminal that will make the process more organized, accurate and faster to process.

Drop-off for consignment is from 5:00pm until 10:00pm on Friday, April 22nd, 2022. If you cannot make this time, you may also drop off during the time that consignment is open.

The hours for consignment at the upcoming VCF event will be:

Saturday, April 23rd, 2022, 9:00am until 5:00pm

Sunday, April 24th, 2022, 9:00am until 4:00pm

Consignment will be located in the cafeteria of building 9010C. Entry is through the front door of building 9010D.

Here are links to the consignment sales forms, information on you, and how you wish to be paid:

Consignee Address and Payout Information

Consignment Sale Sheet (for you to fill out)

Instructions for using the spreadsheet are in the document.

Please fill out the consignment sale sheet, as soon as possible, with all of the items listed that you wish to consign. You may also email back the consignment sheets to:


or you may deliver the spreadsheet (in electronic format, please!) to us when you drop off your items. Priority will be given to submissions received earlier.

Check with the volunteer on duty for the location of the free pile. Space will be limited, so first come, first served.

You must collect all of your unsold items on Sunday afternoon at 4:00pm sharp. Failure to pick up your items may result in VCF withholding payment for other items sold.


VCF East 2022 will be live streamed on YouTube

Good news!
VCF East 2022 will be streamed live again this year! This will be still be a free stream. We will stream all three days: April 22, 23, 24. Our schedule is found here:

Our YouTube channel is:

VCF East 2022 – Day 1 (Friday) =
VCF East 2022 – Day 2 (Saturday) =
VCF East 2022 – Day 3 (Sunday) =

We will only be streaming the talks in Room 1 and not the rest of the show (i.e. Exhibits, Kit Workshops, Consignment, Apple 2 Classroom). After the show is over we will process the individual talks and post them in our channel a few weeks after the show.

Despite the increased costs of the show this year, we wanted to continue to fulfil the mission of the Vintage Computer Federation: To preserve computing history through education, outreach, conservation, and restoration. We strive to accomplish this through family friendly hands-on activities at our museum, at regional and global events, and by fostering and nurturing the expansion of our on-line and in-person communities.

In order keep these live streams free, we need donations, please consider making a donation to our organization. In addition to supporting our festivals, any donations will support our ongoing museum projects.

We are currently raising funds for:

  • Construct climate control for storage warehouse.
  • Renovation of a our new larger museum space.
  • Operational costs of curation of our museum.
  • Operational costs of maintaining our warehouse.
  • Cost of running local events.

There are many ways that you can donate:
PayPal :
Check : P.O. Box 417, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Cash: In-person at any of our events.

Thanks you for your support!

Updated April 18, 2022.

Commodore Employee Fireside Chat at VCF East 2022!

Do you recognize this guy?

That’s Bil Herd co-inventor of the Commodore 128 microcomputer.

How about this one?

That’s Dave Haynie co-inventor of several Commodore Amiga microcomputers.

How about this one?










That’s Andy Finkel. Software engineer on several Commodore Amiga microcomputers.

All of these people list above worked for a company called Commodore which made some of the best selling, innovative microcomputers of all time!

Would you like to meet these people?

Well you are in luck! We are excited to announce the biggest Commodore employee reunion in years!

Where can you find them? At VCF East 2022!

Everyone loved our Virtual VCF 2020 gabfest between Bil Herd and Dave Haynie. Well this year’s gabfest will be many times bigger!

On Friday, April 22 will be the technical talks:

12:30 to 2PM: Bil Herd and Albert Charpentier will be discussing the technical aspects of the Commodore VIC and VIC-II chip.

2:30PM to 4PM: Dave Haynie and Andy Finkel will be discussing the technical aspects of the Amiga microchips.

On Saturday, April 23 will be the COMMODORE EMPLOYEE FIRESIDE CHAT from 12:30PM to 2:30PM!!!

  • Bil Herd – Co-creator of the Commodore 128, Plus/4
  • Dave Haynie – Co-creator of the Amiga 4000
  • Andy Finkel – member of the VIC Commandos, was C64 developer software manager, head of the games group, software manager, Amiga software manager, then director of Amiga software, then CDTV consultant.
  • Neil Harris – One of the Vic-20 Commandos that successfully brought bring the Vic-20 to market
  • Bob Russell – Instrumental in the development of the C64 and Vic-20
    • Pet Computer: 2nd Generation (4000 & 8000 series)
      Original CBM dual floppy disk drive
      VIC-20: Convinced Management to make this a ‘real computer’
      P and B Series: Oversaw the Kernel development.
      C-64 and MAX
      1541 Disk Drive: Software to work with the C-64 timing.
      Z8000 Business Machines
  • Benny Pruden – Numerous Commodore hardware and software projects including:
    • Commodore Cash Register firmware (including printer mechanism driver)
    • Pet Business BASIC extensions
    • CP/M, CP/M-86, & Concurrent CP/M  BIOS(s) for Super Pet
    • 1541 C64 floppy firmware release
    • C64 Cheap / Fast floppy disk
    • Super Pet Kernel bank switching routines
    • 1541 C64 floppy disk cost reduction
    • Z8 based Universal Format floppy driver
    • Another Fast Floppy disk prototype (With H/W shift register acceleration)
    • Universal Format floppy custom chip architecture & firmware driver 
    • Amiga evaluation & floppy tweak
  • Joe Myshko -VAX system administrator
  • Cary Sagedy Amiga Genloc, Emmy winning Broadcast camera for RCA
  • Hedley DavisLCD, 1351 Mouse, A3000, The Hedley Davis Memorial Disk Drive, SX52, A2024 Hires Monitor, CDTV-CR., XBOX, 3DO, WebTV. Spinning globe demo, debugged TED cassette code, Hedley Hires display.
  • Dave Esposito – Calma IC Layout at MOS

Following the fireside chat will a birthday party for the Commodore 64. Celebrating its 40th birthday!

Don’t miss your chance to see this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Women in Vintage Computers at VCF East 2022

One of the themes for Vintage Computer Festival East is “Women in Computing”. My Idea for this theme started with one woman: Margaret Morabito. She wrote a book titled “Vintage Commodore 128 Personal Computer Handbook” published in 2019. More recently she collaborated on a book with one of the creators of the Commodore 128 computer, Bil Herd. After they both talked about their book during VCF West in 2021 I was curious to know more about her. Through my research I discovered that she was a technical editor for RUN magazine for many years. RUN Magazine was published from January 1984 until December 1992. The magazine contained articles about Commodore 8-bit home computers and peripherals as well as reviews on available software packages. In addition, every issue featured several type-in programs written in BASIC and/or machine language. The magazine’s name came from the BASIC command “RUN”, which started execution of the computer’s program, presumably typed in from the magazine.

Even though I had subscribed to that magazine years ago, I had never heard of her. My original thought was to create a theme around authors of magazines, books and other publications from the vintage computer era. I called to ask her to be a speaker for our show and find out more about her. I learned that she designed and ran the Tutoring Center, the Q-Link Community College and Parent-Teacher Information Exchange. Q-Link was an online service for the Commodore 64 back in the 1980’s when most people connected to each other and to online services through telephone modems. She later ran the school on other services such as GEnie, Delphi, CompuServe, AppleLink, AOL, and PCLink. These were early online services back in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Most are defunct, but some like AOL continue to this day. Amazed at her experience, I thought that maybe there were other women in vintage computing besides the “big names” from history that I had read about like Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper and the ENIAC programmers.

Continue reading “Women in Vintage Computers at VCF East 2022”

VCF East 2022 Exhibitor Deadline is April 1

To all those wishing to do an exhibit for VCF East 2022, the exhibitor deadline is fast approaching. The deadline is April 1, so if you want to do an exhibit, then please register for it quickly! We still have room for exhibitors, but it’s going to start filling up quickly.

Exhibitor registration is found through this link: Exhibitor Registration

Check here for a list of currently registered exhibits: Currently Registered Exhibits

Dates are April 22, 23, 24, 2022

Location: InfoAge Science and History Museums, Wall, NJ

For more information on our show: VCF East Info


VCF East 2022

The Vintage Computer Federation is proud to announce our Vintage Computer Festival East 2022! Last year’s show was great and this year’s show is looking to be just as big and exciting. Great talks, exhibits, classes and exhibits. We’ve already lined up some great speakers including well known Commodore engineers such as Bil Herd, Dave Haynie, Andy Finkel and many others. Keep up to date with main page here:

We have two themes this year:

Women in Computing

Computers for the masses.

If you are interested in exhibiting? Click Here

If you are interested in doing a class Click Here

If you are being a vendor Click Here


Workshops and demos and moon bounce, oh my! at VCF East 2021

There will be more than just the exhibits, classes, talks and consignment during VCF East 2021. There will also be the following:


Glitch will be selling and helping people to build various kits at his workshop in the CDL building Friday (10/8), Saturday (10/9) and Sunday (10/10) from 1PM to 5PM during VCF East.

Here is what he will be offering:

* XT-IDE rev 4A kits
* R6501Q SBC kits
* RAM expansion for R6501Q kits
* 8085 SBC rev 3 kits
* CF adapter boards (works with both R6501Q and 8085 SBC rev 3, but really for the 8085 SBC)
* 8255 parallel I/O and prototyping interfaces
* Blank prototyping cards

We will demo this machine from 1 to 3PM Saturday and  and Sunday  in the VCF museum.


We will have someone teaching beginners how to solder in the CDL workshop area Saturday and Sunday from 8AM to 5PM


Saturday and Sunday from 1PM to 5PM at the Diana site 2 tenths of a mile walk down the road from the InfoAge main building. ISEC has many exhibits to see and learn about: