Due to the unforeseen circumstances of our planned upgrade from cable modem to FIOS availability, VCF East 2021 live video streaming will be offered for *free* on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/VintageComputerFederation501c3 Check this page for any last minute updates: https://vcfed.org/festivals/vintage-computer-festival-east/vcf-east-virtual-show/
We will stream most, but not all of the speakers and classes live during the show– however the bandwidth limits may impact their quality. Your mileage may vary.
We ask that you consider donating to the Vintage Computer Federation. These funds will help us continue our work of preserving and sharing computer history. It will also enable us to improve our infrastructure so we can offer high quality video streaming in the near future, among other awesome improvements to our facilities. You can send donations to paypal@vcfed.org or a check to our mailing address: P.O. Box 417, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Discord will be available for live discussion during the streams. Here is our server invitation: https://discord.gg/32maJ6gddU
For the 2022 show we will have more bandwidth and be able to offer a more advanced selection of options.