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VCF East Exhibit Registration
This document is the Exhibitor FAQ for VCF East 2023. This is where we keep all of the details for the event that are relevant to exhibitors and speakers. We regularly make minor edits as things change so check back regularly. If something major changes we will send an email too.
4/10/2024 – Wednesday: Exhibit prep allowed based on tables and tablecloths ready for exhibitors. Contact the showrunner if you are interested in Thursday setup:
04/11/2024 – Thursday : Exhibit prep allowed based on tables and tablecloths ready for exhibitors. Contact the showrunner if you are interested in Thursday setup:
04/12/2024 – Friday 07:30 to 22:00: Load-in exhibits & prep for the show. Day 1 of show (VCF University)
Exhibitors can start setting up as soon as the show opens which is at 7:30AM. Park in the main parking lot, then check-in at the front desk to get a badge and then you can drive to building 9032-A where you can park on the grass and unload. You should park around building 9036 after you have finished unloading.
Consignment: If you are dropping off items for consignment please show up after 5PM. See the “Consignment sales” section for details.
04/13/2024 – Saturday 08:00 to 17:00: Day 2 of the show (exhibits, talks, consignment, etc. open).
Exhibits will run all day starting at 8 AM and run until 5PM. If you are interested in going to a talk, please make sure that you have coverage at your exhibit. You are not chained to your exhibit table, but we want you to be there as much as possible during show hours. There will be many speakers throughout the day.
04/14/2024 – Sunday 9:00 to 14:00: Day 2 of the show (exhibits, talks, consignment, etc. open), load-out after 2PM.
If you are interested in going to a talk, please make sure that you have coverage at your exhibit. You are not chained to your exhibit table, but we want you to be there as much as possible during show hours. There will be many speakers throughout the day.
Please plan on breaking down starting at Sunday at 2PM and not earlier.
(Please plan on staying for the entire show; we can accommodate emergencies but we don’t want the show to start emptying out prematurely on Sunday afternoon.)
Everyone will have plenty of time to pack up after the show. Take as long as you need.
Unloading will be behind 9032-A for all exhibitors. Parking will be by 9036-A after you are done unloading.
Campus Map
Exhibition Space
The two exhibit areas are marked on the map as Exhibit Hall 1 and Exhibit Hall 2. Hall 1 is the dining room with wood floors, columns and chandeliers while Hall 2 is the larger, square room with concrete floors.
Class Rooms
There are two classrooms (Room 1, Room 2). Room 1 is also the keynote room and has the stage setup, Room 2 is the CDL building (Hackerspace, 9059) with work benches and the classroom area.
Consignment Area
The consignment area will be in The Visitor’s Center (Sandy building) in the cafeteria of 9010-C. Go in through the main entrance of 9010-D, left down the hallway, and into the cafeteria.
Exhibitor and Vendor Map
Exhibit tables are 6 feet long and 3 feet wide. The tables are rented and wood tables with metal legs and sturdy for most uses. If what you are putting on the table is very heavy please let us know in advance.
Please start by planning to use one table for your exhibit. Some exhibits are so large that they will require two tables and that is expected but we can’t start by giving everybody multiple tables. As the show date nears and we know what the exhibits are we will fine tune the space allocation and offer additional space to people who have one table and really need a second table.
Every table will be covered with a black tablecloth. The tablecloth provides privacy for items you have stored under the table, such as boxes, your food cooler, etc.
Please let us know if the power requirements for your table change; we might have to move tables around if power requirements shift a lot. Please remember to
bring your own power strip with a reasonably sized cord. If you have something precious please plan on bringing a UPS; accidents will happen and power might get dropped temporarily. (It has never happened at VCF East yet but plan ahead …)
The InfoAge Science and History Museums now has wi-fi available through the guest SSID: camp_evans_guest. Ask for the password at the front desk.
There is no exhibitor fee.
VCF recoups the cost of the show through ticket sales t-shirts, selling swag, food sales and the consignment room. The consignment room is a great opportunity as it gets a lot of foot traffic from people who attend the show; it would be difficult to find a more targeted audience. Since you are joining us for the event, consider using the consignment area.
Because there is no exhibitor fee we are
not providing free T-shirts to exhibitors. T-shirts will be available for sale. Speakers and volunteers will get a free T-shirt!
This year’s t-shirt design is fa
Vendors will be mixed in with the exhibitors this year. Look
here for updated information.
Note: VCF East is not a flea/swap event. Individual sellers should use
swap meet is a separate event during a later part of the year.
Consignment is open to anybody, whether they are attending the show or not … please spread the word.
VCFed will be moving to a smaller area in the cafeteria due to space restrictions at InfoAge. We will do our best to manage the smaller area with shelving units, etc. Consignment sales allow us to connect buyers and sellers of vintage computing related items and it makes a small amount of money for VCFed. (VCFed takes 18% of the sale price, part of which goes to the credit card transaction fee.)
Disclaimer: VCF has no experience traveling internationally with vintage computer equipment.
To make it easier to get through customs we can provide each exhibitor traveling from outside of the US with an invitation to the show. The invitation will include my contact information and details about the show (where, when, purpose, etc.). This invitation is not a legal document but it might help convince a skeptical customs official that people do like vintage computers and that this is just a normal part of the hobby. I know who our registered exhibitors are but not who else is traveling with them; if you know of somebody who needs a letter please email me with their name, home address, telephone number, and email address. We will generate PDF versions of the letter and email them.
Two helpful sources have introduced me to a new type of customs paperwork – the carnet. In short, a carnet can be used to temporarily import goods used at exhibitions and fairs. (Wikipedia has a more thorough description.) This might be a good option if you are traveling with more expensive equipment and you want to avoid tax or import/export discussions during your trip.
Help us advertise the event!
We do a lot of work to advertise the event. If you have an idea of where you would like to help us advertise contact to see if we have that one covered.
The best advertising that we have is word of mouth, and as a participant in the show you have first-hand knowledge of it. Tell your friends (in real life and online), hang a poster where you work, etc.
Updated December 28, 2023.