VCF East 2023 Exhibitor Registration

VCF East Exhibits PageVCF East Exhibit FAQ

*2/27/2023 UPDATE* Exhibitor registration is closed. We are full. If you want to be on the waiting list, then e-mail me at vcfeast AT vcfed DOT org. We will be verifying the registered exhibitors and double checking the room measurements. If anything opens, then it is first come, first serve.

The Exhibitor FAQ is here.

The suggest (but not required) themes for this year are:

1) Computers in Education

2) Keeping Vintage Computing Alive

This year is a hybrid show (in-person and virtual)
We do not charge for exhibitor tables!

Keep in mind that this is an application and your submission will be considered for inclusion. We may ask you for clarifying information, so please provide as much information as possible.

Deadline for registering your exhibit is March 24, 2023

Exhibitor dates are:

Thursday, April 13 : setup day for Exhibitors (let showrunner know ahead of time).
Friday, April 14 : setup day for Exhibitors.
Saturday, April 15 : Exhibit Hours: 08:00 to 17:00.
Sunday, April 16 : Exhibit Hours: 10:00 to 16:00


1. Exhibits must have a theme (examples: a timeline, all accessories for your favorite single computer, systems of a certain CPU, systems of a certain category, your favorite software, something homebrew, etc.) — the key is to avoid a table of random things.

2. Try to be at your table as much as possible. We suggest bringing a partner for your exhibit so you can take breaks or listen to a speaker. Unstaffed tables get a lot less interest. That said, you are there to enjoy the show as well.

3. Within reason your demo should be up-and-running. VCF East is a hands-on event!

4. Exhibits must be present for both days of the exhibit hall for the entire scheduled exhibit times. Exhibits may not be set up after the event opens to the public nor taken down before the event closes, unless you have prior approval from the showrunner. Please follow these rules.

5. Strive to make your exhibit look good. Include posters, literature, manuals, accessories, and so forth. But keeping these things simple is also good: don’t worry about spending a lot of money.

6. It is free to exhibit at VCF East. We include two free admissions per table. Additional exhibitors must pay the regular entry fee. There is no formal limit to the number of tables you can reserve, however VCF East management will evaluate your request vs. available space and the items you wish to display.

7. Most important: HAVE FUN. Make it special and reflect your own interests and personality.

If you have any specific questions not answered here e-mail the showrunner: vcfeast AT

Updated February 27, 2023.