Main VCF Mid-Atlantic Page Steering Committee Main Page Nominee Position Statements
Alex Jacocks – Steering Committee Member
For those who I have not met, hello, my name is Alexander Jacocks, and I am
a current member of the VCF Mid-Atlantic steering committee.
I joined what was then called MARCH back in 2011, and was given a tour of
the much-smaller museum by Evan Koblentz, one of our founders. I quickly
met Jeff Brace, and Bill Degnan, at the first event that I attended.
Joining VCF was a watershed moment for me, since I had not been previously
aware that many other people were interested in computer history, or the
collecting of vintage equipment. Meeting the other members immediate
expanded the number of folks that I count as friends, and greatly expanded
my knowledge of the work going on with the preservation of our shared
computing history.
The things that I am most passionate about, and have worked the hardest to
accomplish, while being a member of the steering committee include:
1) expansion of the hobby, history and profession of computing to include
those often left out, including women, and people of color.
2) expansion of the ranks of VCF to people who have been previously unaware
of us through community outreach and public speaking
3) outreach to other computing museums, both locally, and further afield
4) support of the Vintage Computer Forums as an administrator for VCF
Thanks very much!
– Alex Jacocks