When was it:
Saturday April 2, 2016, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday April 3 2016, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where was it:
Kings Market Center, 1425 Market Blvd., Suite 200, Roswell, GA, 30076 (Google map)
What was it:
Exhibits — Exhibits were presented Saturday and Sunday. See the link for further details of what was exhibited.
Speakers — Come hear first-hand accounts of events in computer history and informative technical presentations.
Our speakers this year included Jerry Manock (regarded as the “father” of the Apple Industrial Design Group) and Bil Herd (a former Commodore engineer who created several designs including the Commodore 128, the successor to the Commodore 64) . Check the Speakers link above for the schedule (and links to the videos we’ve processed).
Hands On Activities — We offered a chance to let your inner engineer out. A very popular feature of our Festival is the chance to create your own electronic device. We always have kits available for purchase (for everyone from complete beginner to those already handy with a soldering iron).
New for this year’s show was an update to our original Persistence of Vision board (which was surface mounted). We offered a POV board that can be soldered by attendees this time. It has mounting holes to allow you do such things as connect it to the spokes of a bicycle for added fun!
POV Ruler :
Vendors — We invite folks who might have items that would be of interest to our audience to exhibit at our show as well.
Our shirt design for 4.0 was
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Event Contact:
Earl Baugh — earl@baugh.org / (404) 915-8029