VCF East 9.1

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Where: InfoAge Science Center, Wall, New Jersey

Event montage video


  • Corey Cohen — Computer Cosmetics
  • Bil Herd — CRT and Video Repair
  • Alan Wolke — Oscilloscope Odyssey
  • Michael Holley — Homebrew Hardware
  • Bill Degnan — Advanced BASIC
  • Brian Schenkenberger — Assembly Programming
  • Rich Cini — Bootstrapping CP/M
  • Malcolm Macleod — Disk Imaging
  • Vince Briel — Briel Computer Replica Kits
  • Mike Willegal — The Art of Troubleshooting
  • Jason Scott — Internet Archive Software Collection (video)
  • Joel Shusterman — Inside Story of Franklin Computer (video)
  • Paul Lasewicz — IBM and the Social Security Administration (video)
  • Jonathan Sturges/Alex Jacocks — Classic Apple Macintosh Repair
  • Mike Willegal — Build Your Own Swyft Card for the Apple II
  • Dave Haynie — Commodore Part 3: Amiga Until the End (video)
  • Zachary Weddington — Viva Amiga! Exclusive “First Look”
  • William Cheswick — Ches’ Computer Security Adventures (video)
  • Maris Graube — IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Committee: The Inside Story (video)


  • Mike Loewen — HP 2109E Minicomputer
  • Andy Molloy — Handheld Electronic Games
  • Dan Roganti/Jeff Brace — Multiplayer Network Gaming on the Commodore 64
  • David Gesswein — PDP-8 Mark Sense Batch
  • Herb Johnson — Pre-Altair MicrocomputingAlex Bodnar — Small Bus Data Center
  • MARCH — UNIVAC 1219-B
  • Corey Cohen — How Games Drove the Hobby Computer Movement
  • Mary Hopper — Children’s Machines
  • Bill Sudbrink — Dual Dazzlers
  • Bill Degnan — PEEKing Under the Hood Using BASIC
  • Mike Willegal — Bringing Vintage Microcomputers Back to Life
  • Sridhar Ayengar — VAXen Through the Years
  • Michael Hill — Modern Stuff For Old Computers
  • Bob Applegate — Franklin’s Apple II Clones and Prototypes
  • Rob Clarke — Commodore Curios
  • Adam Rosen — Vintage Mac Museum Rarities and Highlights
  • Anthony Stramaglia — Unique UNIX
  • Christopher B. — The Apple 1 Computer
  • Justin & Michalina Jernigan — Early Desktop Publishing on Commodore 64
  • Steve Mayo — Amiga Past & Future
  • Scott Baret — Apple Obscurities
  • Linda Baret — Gaming of Yesteryear
  • John Linville — Retro Tinker’s CoCo Adventures
  • Ian Primus — Don’t Forget About Prime!
  • Curt Vendel — Atari Computers 1979-1993
  • Jeff Salzman — TI-994A w/ Expansion Box
  • Francois Lanciault — The Dawn of the Workstation
  • Atlanta Historic Computing Society — Hello World
  • Jonathan Chapman — Lawrence Livermore Labs MST-80B Trainer
  • William Dromgoole — Ohio Scientific
  • Ethan Dicks — Cosmac Cosmology
  • Ron Blechner — DEC PDP-11/05