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VCF East 2021 is will be an in-person show!
We are still scheduled for October 8, 9 & 10th and will be an in-person show. Please check here frequently for updates and changes.
This year’s themes:
1) IBM 5150 PC and its legacy
2) Text adventures
Dates: October 8, 9 & 10th, 2021
Times: 8AM to 5PM
BUY TICKETS HERE! OR at the door of InfoAge on the show day.
We currently have enough volunteers. Thank you to all who signed up!
- Friday: 9AM to 5PM
- Saturday: 8:00am – 5:00pm (Doors open at 8AM, first talk starts at 9AM)
- Sunday: 8:00am-5:00pm (Doors open at 8AM, first talk starts at 9AM)
InfoAge Science and History Museums
2201 Marconi Road
Wall, NJ 07719
Contact Us:
vcfeast AT
732 722 5015
With support from:
Updated October 2, 2021.
Click for updated schedule:
- Bill Mensch: “The Western Design Years” (Interviewed by Stephen Edwards) – Bill recounts his years at after he left Commodore.
- Dr. Ted Nelson – An American pioneer of information technology, philosopher, and sociologist. designed the Xanadu hypertext software and wrote the two-in-one personal computing book, Computer Lib / Dream Machines, in 1974. His work deeply influenced the personal computing revolution. Ted earned two Ph.D.s and penned several other well-regarded academic papers and books about ethical, historical, and moral issues in computing.
- Scott Adams: “The story of Adventure International” – Scott will tell about the founding of his company in 1979 and the games that he developed over the years.
- Bil Herd – History of Commodore Part 2
- PowerPoint Slides
- Michael Tomczyk: “Vic-20 Product development” – Michael will talk about the development of the Commodore Vic-20 computer.
- Stefany Allaire: “The C256 Foenix”. How she went about creating the C256 Foenix – From Concept to finished product
- Wil Lindsay: “Atari Adventure: Colossal Cave without the Text”
This talk looks at the surprising relationship between Warren Robinett’s game, “Adventure” for the Atari 2600 and William Crowther’s well known text adventure Colossal Cave. - Brian L. Stuart – ENIAC programming
The ENIAC is famous for being hard to program. We will
be examining this reputation by looking at the machine
from the perspective of its programmers. In
particular, the presentation focuses on the programming
of the demonstration performed as part of the unveiling
75 years ago and concludes with a reenactment of that
demonstration - Bill Mauchly (son of John Mauchly) – Giant Brains
The Story of the ENIAC and the people inside it.Pres Eckert was only 23 when he teamed with John Mauchly to design a machine, both immense and risky, that could compute electronically. “Top Men” all expected them to fail. Bill, as the son of one of the inventors and one of the programmers, has the inside story, and pictures too. - David Ahl – Founder of Creative Computing magazine. He is also the author of many how-to books, including BASIC Computer Games, the first computer book to sell more than a million copies.
Updated October 4, 2021.
Official exhibit registration is closed. If you still want to do an exhibit, then we can put you on the waiting list: Register for your exhibit here otherwise “The World of IBM exhibit” is still looking to fill in some spots. I can put you in touch with the lead exhibitor if you are interested.
Current List of Exhibits
MUDs on Monstrously Modded Macs! – Sean Malseed, Steven Matarazzo
They will be running a CircleMUD on a local network. The theme is Apple modding, and set up several highly-hotrodded Apple and Macintosh machines as clients of the MUD, that people can use to play the game. Each machine will be its own logged-in character in the game. The machines will be computers that have been featured on the Action Retro YouTube channel, and possibly some from the Mac84 YouTube channel as well. MUDs, or Multi-User Dungeons, are text-based multiplayer RPG games that were extremely popular in the 80’s and 90’s. Although their popularity waned entering into the 2000’s, there is still a very active community keeping these games well alive.
HP 3000 Micro XE and MPE-V – Mike Loewen
HP 3000 Micro XE minicomputer from 1987, running the MPE-V operating system. Multiple HP terminals will be available for login, including a 2645A, 2647A monochrome graphics terminal, 2627A color graphics terminal. and two 700/92s. A streaming 9-track tape drive will be attached, as well as a printer for output. MPE stands for Multi Programming Executive, and is a multi-user, multitasking operating system especially suited for transaction processing. The Micro XE was suitable for medium-sized office environments, and could support up to 56 users. With the show’s theme in mind, “Adventure” and “Mystery Mansion” will be
available for gaming.
Interactive Fiction: Games For Machines Big And Small – Ethan Dicks
Beginning on large machines in the 1970s, Interactive Fiction quickly moved to home computers with as little as 16K. By the mid-1980s, there were games for most minicomputers and home micros. This exhibit will showcase several titles on a variety of machines from 8 to 36-bit. Expect a few surprise appearances from machines you didn’t know could run Adventure Games.
Running Fuzix on Z80 – Maki Kato
Come see and play with a running Fuzix on Z80! Also there will be a build environment to show what it’s like to compile and install the OS on Z80/Z180 boards.
Adventure 1.0 on the Heathkit H89 – Alex Bodnar
Original hardware showing off the text adventure “Adventure 1.0”. This is adventure 1.0 from 1976 the predecessor to Colossal Cave Adventure and The Very Big Cave Adventure among others for other machines of the day.
Fully Loaded Vic-20 – Jeff Salzman
Hands-on version of the fully loaded VIC-20 system that was demonstrated in the VCF East 2020 Virtual showing off with all the capabilities (and limitations) of a “money was no object” VIC-20 home computer setup of the early 1980s.
Smooth Jazz and Stormy Skies – Jesse, Kelby, Josue, Curt, Mike B., Ethan, Mike M., Ben, Kyle
A team exhibit showing off their collection of vintage WeatherSTAR computer systems. Starting in 1982, The Weather Channel launched their TV network along with it’s advanced WeatherSTAR. These were graphics computers installed in cable TV headends across the country that allowed TV viewers to know their local forecast, get life saving weather alerts for their own town, and listen to some catchy smooth jazz. Early machines were custom designed 8 bit computers increasing in complexity with every generation, eventually moving to an SGI based system, then Pentium 4 and beyond. This group has spent lots of time reverse engineering and writing software to get these old machines forecasting once again for viewers to enjoy. Recently featured on Hackaday was the WeatherSTAR 4000, probably our most iconic system from the 90s: These machines bring back a ton of nostalgia for the people that grew up watching these things wondering how they all worked, and they’d love to share how. Here are some examples of their work, all the real machines were used to make these recordings:
The Secret (a new game) – Marcus Mera
How some of the earliest Sierra On-line games like Mystery House, Wizard and Princess evolved from text adventures. There will be an Apple II running these games and as well as a preview of this new game written by Marcus Mera in collaboration with Ken and Roberta Williams. Find more information
Apple //e Brain Transplants – Eric Rangell
The PC Transporter was a card made by Applied Engineering which gave Apple //e and ][gs users the ability to run IBM software on an 8088 processor using either Apple 3.5 drives or 5.25 Transdrives for 360K floppies. Eric chose this card when he brought his Apple //e to college and found it useful for transferring files between Apple and IBM formats. Eric will also demonstrate the Microsoft CP/M Softcard which allowed the Apple to run CP/M software in a 56k environment, and program in Microsoft Basic (MBASIC) or GBASIC (a customization of MBASIC that supported Apple Hi-Res graphics). Enjoy a trip down memory lane while you see how much compatibility these co-processor cards gave the Apple starting in the late 1980s.
Heathkit: Keeping the Legacy Alive – Glenn Roberts
Demonstrating the H8 in original form but also the many enhancements that the SEBHC group has developed. Demonstrates the range of capability of this machine and how the group is very much keeping it alive! 10Mhz Z80 CPU; sound; graphics; networking; interfacing to modern devices (I2C) etc. Including information on how to order blank boards and build your own.
ENIAC Diamond Jubilee – Brian L. Stuart
The ENIAC was unveiled to the public in 1946, ushering in the age of general purpose electronic computing. This exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of the unveiling with two artifacts. The first is a 1/10 scale 3D printed model of the full ENIAC. The second is a set of 4 ENIAC accumulators at 1/8 scale showing the ENIAC in operation. The indicators on these accumulators are driven by an ENIAC simulator controlled by a replica of the portable control station.
Nonaligned technologies: 8-bit computers in Socialist Yugoslavia – Vladimir Vince
This exhibit has the Galaksija, the Z80 based DIY Yugoslav computer that was developed domestically to avoid strict import limitations that prevented access to popular computers like the C64 and ZX Spectrum. The goal of the exhibit is to show off this unique machine, but also to tell the unusual story of computing in the country that occupied an unusual geopolitical space between the East and West during the Cold War, which resulted in interesting technological solutions like the Galaksija. More info about the Galaksija here:
The Start Of The Clone Wars: The Compaq Portable 1 – Michael Casadevall
In one of the most famous cases of reverse engineering, Compaq reversed engineered the IBM BIOS, creating the first truly compatible PC clone. The Portable 1 was designed to meet the needs of executives by providing a full PC experience in a luggable form factor, and forced IBM to create it’s own luggable in response. Equipped with a 9 inch green screen CRT, the Portable 1 was fully compatible the IBM 5150 software and hardware, and its arrival marked the start of the larger PC compatible wars.
The World of IBM – Dean Notarnicola, Adam Michlin, Bill Inderrieden, Jason Perkins
The primary theme of the exhibit is the introduction of the IBM PC (5150) and its successors. The secondary theme is early PC clones. The exhibit should express the influence that these clones had on the development and evolution of the home and business computer market. These had varying degrees of PC compatibility. The tertiary theme is any computers from the 70s and 80s that use an x86/x88 processor but are not necessarily MS-DOS compatible.
IBM Midrange Through the Years – Bob Roswell, Ryan Schiff
A display of IBM System/32 , System/34, System/36 and AS/400.
More Text Adventure – David Gesswein
Texas Instruments PC running Zork. This machine is example of now not to compete with IBM PC. Also a PDP-8 and/or OSI running adventure. Possibly a machine with MUD.
Vic-20: The Friendly Computer at 40 – Alexander Pierson
Happy birthday VIC-20! 40 years ago, Commodore’s first color computer was released in the US, so it’s time to show appreciation for the cheap little computer that could — as long as it fits in 22 columns. On display will be three variations of VIC, covering a wide variety of possible home setups and peripherals. Plays great games, too.
Early Scientific Graphics Software – Douglas Taylor
When computers began to have graphics capability scientists and engineers were eager to use computers for presenting data in graphical format. The exhibit shows a small glimpse into what they had to work with, given that most did not have the money to spend on expensive commercial graphics packages such as DISSPLA. A DEC Alpha 3000 is used to run examples of PGPLOT, GNUPLOT on DEC and TEKTRONIX graphics terminals. These free packages are still in use today.
Novasaur TTL Retrocomputer – Alastair Hewitt
The Novasaur is a full-featured personal computer built from less than three dozen Advanced Schottky TTL chips (circa 1979). It support an 80-column VGA text display, PS/2 keyboard interface, programmable sound generator, RS232 serial, and an Intel 8080 byte-code interpreter. The machine is capable of running early 80’s computer games and even CP/M using a built-in 250k RAM disk.
Zork on Mac Plus – Charles Lehner
Play Zork text adventure games on a Macintosh Plus.
Any questions? Please email: vcfeast AT
Updated October 4, 2021.
We have 1 more slot available for a class as of Aug. 27.
Are you interested in teaching a class at VCF East?
VCF East University Class of 2021 is on October 8 from 9AM to 5PM.
Classes are usually about 45 minutes long with 15 minutes of Q&A.
We are looking for how-to classes ranging from programming to repair to informational. If you are interested, then please fill out this form.
Keep in mind that this is an application and your submission will be considered for inclusion. We may ask you for clarifying information, so please provide as much information as possible.
Deadline for registering a class is September 8, 2021.
If you have any questions, then please e-mail the showrunner at vcfeast AT
If you want to see examples from 2019 live show.
Our 2020 virtual show had a lot of variety.
Current List of Classes
Atari 2600 Graphics Programming – Wil Lindsay
This class looks at how graphics are created using the Atari 2600’s subset of 6502 assembly language.
Pax Consola – 8 Bit development System – Tim Ryan
Pax Consola is a development environment for writing a game that runs on many vintage computers and video game consoles—without writing platform-specific code. In this class I’ll document a new language “Pax Forth”, and how it compiles to run on processors like the 6502, Z80, and 8086. This portable “Forth” environment targets well known consoles from the 70’s and 80’s, like the Commodore 64, Game Boy, MS-DOS, and more. There is also an online IDE at where you can interactively follow along with the class, and build and play your own games from a web browser.
#FujiNet – Writing Applications – Thomas Cherryhomes
#FUJINET is a new wi-fi cartridge enabling downloads of vintage computer programs from the internet and loading them into your vintage computer. This class will teach you how to program this device.
Personal Computer Graphics in the 60s and 70s – Stephen Edwards
A detailed, technical look at graphics systems from the primitive COSMAC VIP to the Amiga. He’ll talk about character graphics, framebuffers, sprites, and display lists.
FUZIX Intro – Maki Kato
Fuzix is a Unix like operating system for small computers, like z80 with 128k ram. He will cover what it is and what it can do in its current state and how it manages everything in the small address space.
How to create a simple video controller with an FPGA – Stefany Allaire (Virtual Class)
Odyssey Of An Pong Arcade Cabinet – George Portugal and Bill Lange
Come hear about the unique history and the amazing restoration of an Atari Pong arcade cabinet. We’ll briefly discuss the history of Atari and Pong, as well as the story of this particular Pong arcade cabinet, previously owned by David H. Ahl, founder of Creative Computing magazine. We will discuss how it was acquired as well as how it was restored by Long Island Retro Gaming EXPO’s Chief Preservationist George Portugal. George has many years of experience with restoring rare and historically significant video consoles and arcades, including Bronze Age arcades such as Pong and Computer Space. In his role as Chief Preservationist at the LIRG Expo, he focuses on restoring historically relevant video game consoles so that they can be enjoyed by the public.
How to repair CRT – Ian Primus
Ian will go through the steps of how to open, troubleshoot, and repair common problems with CRT devices.
PROMAL FOR C64 – Jeff Salzman
PROMAL (PROgrammer’s Microapplication Language) is a structured programming language from Systems Management Associates for MS-DOS, Commodore 64, and Apple II. PROMAL features simple syntax, no line numbers, long variable names, functions and procedures with argument passing, real number type, arrays, strings, pointer, and a built-in I/O library. Like ABC and Python, indentation is part of the language syntax. Jeff will demonstrate this programming language on the Commodore 64.
Practical Apple Lisa – Jason Perkins
A look at practical ways to use an Apple Lisa, and how to get a new-to-you system up and running.
Calculating with Slide Rules, Volvelles, Abaci, and Mechanical Computers – Bob Roswell
We will learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide using techniques common before modern computers. Hands on!
Novasaur – Alastair Hewitt, Wakefield, MA
The Novasaur is a full-featured personal computer built from less than three dozen Advanced Schottky TTL chips (circa 1979). It support an 80-column VGA text display, PS/2 keyboard interface, programmable sound generator, RS232 serial, and an Intel 8080 byte-code interpreter. The machine is capable of running early 80’s computer games and even CP/M using a built-in 250k RAM disk.
Note: these are technical classes. All of the classes are beginner/intermediate-level. All of them are classroom-style. They focus on vital tips and advice for configuring and repairing vintage hardware/software.
Last Updated: October 4, 2021.
Location & Time | Room 1 (9010-D) | Room 2 (9059 – CDL) | |
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM (Class) | Pax Consola – 8 Bit Development System | Pong Restoration | |
10:15 AM -11:15 AM (Class) | Atari 2600 Graphics Programming | CRT Repair | |
11:30 AM -12:30 PM (Class) | #Fujinet | ||
12:30 PM -1:30 PM | |||
1:30 PM -2:30 PM (Class) | Smarty DIY Kit | PROMAL for the C64 | |
2:45 PM -3:45 PM (Class) | Fuzix Intro | Computing before computers | |
4:00 PM -5:00 PM (Class) | How to create a simple video controller with a FPGA | Practical Lisa | |
9:00 AM -5:00 PM | CDL Makerspace –
Glitch Works Kits: XT-IDE rev 4A kits, the R6501Q SBC kits from last year, and the new high speed capable WDC 65C02S CPU board with RAM, ROM, and serial I/O! |
9:00 AM -5:00 PM | CONSIGNMENT is in 9010-C (into Sandy area, turn left and past cafeteria)
The consignment area allows people to buy and sell vintage computer related items during our VCF shows. |
1PM TO 3PM | Univac 1219 Demo – VCF Museum | ||
5PM: Doors Close |
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM | Brian L. Stuart | ENIAC Programming | |
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM | Bill Mauchly | History of the ENIAC | |
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM | David Ahl | Creative Computing | |
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM | Michael Tomczyk | Marketing the Vic-20 | |
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM | Bil Herd | History of Commodore (Part 2) |
4:30 PM -6:00 PM | Bil Mensch | Western Design Center: how telephones turned into the 65C02, and the 65C816 story. | |
9:00 AM -5:00 PM | CDL MAKERSPACE (9059)
Glitch Works kits: * XT-IDE rev 4A kits
* R6501Q SBC kits
* RAM expansion for R6501Q kits
* 8085 SBC rev 3 kits
* CF adapter boards (works with both R6501Q and 8085 SBC rev 3, but really for the 8085 SBC)
* 8255 parallel I/O and prototyping interfaces
* Blank prototyping cards
Learn to Solder – Learn the basics of how to use a soldering iron. |
9:00 AM -5:00 PM | CONSIGNMENT is in 9010-C (into Sandy area, turn left and past cafeteria)
The consignment area allows people to buy and sell vintage computer related items during our VCF shows. |
1PM TO 3PM | Univac 1219 Demo – VCF Museum | ||
5PM: Doors Close |
Location & Time | SPEAKER | TOPIC | |
9:00 AM -10:00 AM | Wil Lindsay | Atari Adventure: Colossal Cave without the Text | |
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Stefany Allaire | Creating the C256 Foenix | |
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM | Ted Nelson | The pioneer of hypertext, and author of Computer Lib | |
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Scott Adams | Game Designer tells about the history of Adventure International Games | |
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | CDL MAKERSPACE (9059)
Glitch Works kits: * XT-IDE rev 4A kits
* R6501Q SBC kits
* RAM expansion for R6501Q kits
* 8085 SBC rev 3 kits
* CF adapter boards (works with both R6501Q and 8085 SBC rev 3, but really for the 8085 SBC)
* 8255 parallel I/O and prototyping interfaces
* Blank prototyping cards
Learn to Solder – Learn the basics of how to use a soldering iron. |
9:00 AM -5:00 PM | CONSIGNMENT is in 9010-C (into Sandy area, turn left and past cafeteria)
The consignment area allows people to buy and sell vintage computer related items during our VCF shows. |
1PM TO 3PM | Univac 1219 Demo – VCF Museum | ||
5PM: Doors Close |
Updated October 7, 2021.
Does your business want to have a commercial sales booth at the VCF East?
The cost is $40 per table for two days: Saturday and Sunday (a bargain!) and you can order as many tables as you want. Additional tables are $5 less, so 2nd table is $35, 3rd is $30, 4th is $25, etc.
or send a check to:
Vintage Computer Federation
P.O. Box 417
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Register here.
Registering doesn’t mean you will be accepted. Deadline for registering to be a vendor is September 8, 2021. After that date, there is no guarantee of an available spot.
We are now allowing vendors to be mixed in with exhibitors to maximize visibility, traffic flow and the Festival spirit.
Show dates are:
October 8: VCF University
October 9 & 10: Exhibits open at 8AM to 6PM
Feel free to setup any time on Friday.
Look here for an updated schedule:
If you have any questions, please e-mail the showrunner at vcfeast AT
Note: Vendors are sellers of commercial products, while consignment is for individuals selling their personal vintage computer items.
Currently Registered vendors are:
Drakware – Matt Goodrich
USB keyboard/mouse adapters for vintage hardware
Retro Innovations – Jim Brain
Commodore, TANDY, Atari, Apple products
Jeff’s Vintage Electronics – Jeff Galinet
S-100 boards, 8 bit trainers, Apple ][ parts, computer terminals, electronic components, misc vintage computer parts
Fujinet – Thomas Cherryhomes
#FujiNet was intended to be a network adapter that attaches to the SIO (Peripheral) port of an Atari 8-bit computer system but has become an all encompassing SIO peripheral emulator. The current hardware is a design based on the ESP32-WROVER module and contains a custom 3D printed SIO Plug and Receptacle.
IMArchive – Kyler Dinnen
Updated August 12, 2021.
Click for updated schedule
Due to the unforeseen circumstances of our planned upgrade from cable modem to FIOS availability, VCF East 2021 live video streaming will be offered for *free* on our YouTube channel:
We will stream most, but not all of the speakers and classes live during the show– however the bandwidth limits may impact their quality. Your mileage may vary.
We ask that you consider donating to the Vintage Computer Federation. These funds will help us continue our work of preserving and sharing computer history. It will also enable us to improve our infrastructure so we can offer high quality video streaming in the near future, among other awesome improvements to our facilities. You can send donations to or a check to our mailing address: P.O. Box 417, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Discord will be available for live discussion during the streams. Here is our server invitation:
For the 2022 show we will have more bandwidth and be able to offer a more advanced selection of options.
Updated October 5, 2021.
Covid-19 Protocols
Hello Everyone,
I’ve been asked about the Covid-19 protocols at VCF East 2021. Please forgive the delay. We waited to see how things would be as we got closer to the show. We have decided that the following policies and protocols will be followed:
For those that don’t feel comfortable coming in person, we are working on a streaming option as well as Discord channels for those wanting to participate from a distance. Please check on our virtual show pages for updates as they are created.
If you have any other questions or comments, then please e-mail: vcfeast AT
Thank you and hope to see you at the show!